
Banner Advertising Still Works To Attract Motivated Prospects

*This post may contain clickable affiliate links*

Experienced Marketers Know That The People Who Click Banners Are Motivated Prospects For Any Quality Offer.

Forget any claims that banner blindness means banner advertising is dead.

When used correctly, banners can generate some of the most engaged clicks you’ll ever see. People who click on banners are intrigued and interested in what they suggest and offer.

I want to direct you to a few great sites and systems that you can join for free to organize your banner advertising and maximize reach with minimal effort.

These sites are managed by professionals in online advertising who know what works best.

1.0 The first site is a simple form of banner advertising, EzBannerz:

banner advertising

First, you can set up EzBannerz in three easy steps to generate ongoing lifetime traffic through banner advertising.

Next, the EzBannerz page can quickly turn 10 free signups into the potential for well over one million visitors to your site!

Once you complete the setup, your EzBannerz account runs quietly in the background, continually delivering more traffic as time passes.

To begin, the main page displays 7 banners. Simply click on each banner, view the website for 15 seconds, and then enter the ad codes for each site in the provided space.

Afterward, fill in a few more details, add your 468px x 60px banner ad and target website, and submit. (Make sure to use https:// for both). Finally, you will receive an email with a link to activate your account. By clicking the link, you will receive your password and referral link.

  • To start, your referral page features your banner in Position #1, allowing you to promote it and unleash a flood of viral traffic.
  • Then, when people sign up through your website, they will advertise your link in Position #2.
  • As more people join at the next level, they will advertise your link in Position #3, and this pattern continues.
  • Ultimately, this process extends down through 6 levels, exponentially increasing traffic as your network grows.

Visit EzBannnerZ


2.0 Bucket Of Banners is all about banner advertising:

BucketsOfBanners has been created to be a banner exchange with a twist. Even non-site owners can earn impressions and get ads seen across the network.

3 Ways To Earn Banner Impressions:

  1. Promote Your Interactive Splash Page: BoB Members – 1 to 1 ratio. Club BoB Members – 3 to 1 ratio.
  2. Surf The Banner Area: BoB Members – 0.5 to 1 ratio. Club BoB – 4 to 1 ratio.
  3. Banner Code Plugged In Your Website: BoB Members – 0.5 to 1 ratio. Club BoB – 1 to 1 ratio.

3.0 The next site includes a lot of banner advertising methods, EzHitzs Perpetual Traffic:

Probably one of my favorite FREE traffic systems, this Perpetual Traffic Machine is designed to promote and grow itself, but it will take time to set up and let it run.

I have made a post about EzHitz Perpetual traffic machine – here

First, EzHitzs Traffic Machine uses a series of custom Power Pages and viral loops to extract maximum value from every visitor.

Although it requires some real time and effort to set up initially, you only need to do it once. After that, EzHitzs can provide you with a lifetime of high-quality, hands-free traffic.

Furthermore, the EzHitzs system pulls traffic from hundreds of sources, which makes it far more reliable than gimmicky apps that rely on exploiting loopholes and spam techniques that eventually fail.

Therefore, I strongly recommend investing the time to set it up now.

In the long run, this will save you hundreds of hours, allowing you to avoid the hassle of dealing with traffic exchanges.


4.0 Banner advertising methods with EzBannEx Viral Banner Traffic Exchange:

Rather than poor banner advertising impressions this is a true banner exchange. EzBanEx is a brand new, super-viral Banner Exchange designed to deliver maximum exposure over a massive network of websites.

What I like most is that you can add a banner to one website, the Banner Exchange, and it will instantly start appearing on hundreds of other websites without any further effort.

This system is the result of 27 years of online marketing experience.

Banner exchanges have been around since the dawn of the internet for a reason.

Pro marketers still swear by them because they work.

  • They’re Extremely Simple To Use
  • They’re Quick & Easy to Set Up
  • After That They Run Hands-Free
  • And They Generate Quality Clicks

Even if you’re new to online marketing, this is a no-brainer. Anytime you can invest a small amount of time to set up something that will deliver ongoing traffic, it’s a great opportunity.

It’s important to note that EzBanEx is designed to be a “set-and-forget” banner advertising solution, if you prefer. You can add your banners, publish the exchange codes in a few places, and leave it at that.

Easy Viral Banner Traffic

Read more on the main EzBanEx site

Malcolm Keith

Online since 1999 using the internet to seek a replacement for my 9 to 5. Finally left 'the job' in 2010 and continue to explore multiple streams of income and helping people along the way.

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