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Greeting friends
… so it’s been a minute
… but I couldn’t keep this from you any longer
Last year I sent a few emails out about LiveGood …
… some of you looked, some didn’t
… some looked, but not good enough
… others looked and joined.
They didn’t build it, but took and are taking advantage of the low cost membership to achieve saving loads of money on premium health products.
That’s the main thing!
Astonishing products at astonishing prices.
… and some saw it, got it, went to work, and now their lives are changed.
So in those previous emails I was explaining why some of us saw so much potential with LiveGood.
We had grown weary of a health and wellness industry that we once loved, but didn’t like so much anymore
And then we saw LiveGood as a way to fix what had become a broken industry.
Once you see it, you can’t unsee it.
And we were right .. the company exploded across the globe … so many saw what we saw … and now LiveGood is completely smashing all previous records for MLM/networking marketing companies
The company enrolled over 1 million members in their first year and it’s still flying … they will more than double that this year and it won’t stop … it’s all about the membership.
Including the most important statistic (well aside from all the people saving money on their supplements) … the amount of normal average people who never made money before … but who now are.
LiveGood boasts a 30+ percent of people hitting the first rank of bronze which is at the least a break even … while saving huge sums on the products.
So why this huge LiveGood explosion?
Like I said we are fixing a broken industry
It’s all about the membership subscription model … a membership that has real true value.
It’s also about affordably priced products (due to the fact they are not marking up the prices to pay commissions to the uplines), the quality of the products, the transparency of the company, the average everyday people that are now winning
… it’s about no product purchase requirements (funny though the amount of product they are selling )
… no sponsoring or volume requirements
… no special deals for so-called leaders
… no comp plan gotchas favoring those at the top
It’s free to look at both the LiveGood products and the opportunity.
If you just want to shop or see the products and prices straight away you can go straight here:
>> LiveGood Products and Prices
…. but if you think you might want to share with your friends and/or family some day with the $40 one time forever for life affiliate fee, then go through the tour site
>> Watch the 6 minute video then take the free tour.